90 Division St
North Bay ON P1B8Z4
Website: http://www.nativetc.com
Toll Free: (800) 267-2577
Fax: (705) 497-7839
NETC Overview
The Native Education & Training College is a non-profit post-secondary college. Our focus is to enhance and upgrade the skills of those employed by First Nations, Metis, Inuit and USA Tribes.
Our diploma programs and certificate courses are delivered by online and distance learning, coupled with on the job training. Workshops are also available for small groups.
Mission Statement
To provide Aboriginal Communities and Organizations with skills development training diploma programs throughout North America while encouraging, edifying, enabling, equipping and educating our students to complete their life-long learning goals.
Yours Truly, Larry Stewart - Campus Director
Native Education & Training College
Providing life long learning for Aboriginal Canada & USA Tribes